In the Internet era, how to promote the brand?

by Helen Lumia | post a comment

Now we all live in the background of an Internet era, we now see fragmentation, entertainment, grassroots, in fact, is the product of our Internet era. The essence of the pronoun of these contents reflects the value orientation of the consumer. Now, what is the value orientation of consumers?

Basic cognition is more important than abstract cognition. Nowadays, a consumer's cognition of a brand is often based on the basic characteristics of the product, such as the quality of the product, the life of the product, the function of the product, the appearance of the product, the name of the product, and so on. These are in fact belong to the basic cognition of products, and products like abstract cognitive product advertising, product manufacturers, and most of the time for consumers is more difficult to memory, so we will find good advertising is actually the basic cognitive constantly emphasize the product, rather than the show the beauty of advertisement.

Fragmented cognition is more important than systematic cognition. In the past, we have been emphasizing how comprehensive and complex functions a thing is, but the mainstream of the market has changed now. The key change is that we choose more space, so we have less time to think.

For example, when we buy candy, we will find the candy brand very much, but now we basically will only choose two kinds of candy, candy is a price, the price is the candy we think fit. Another is that we know the name of the candy, knowing that the name means that memory has the ability to form memories in our minds. Generally speaking, this kind of memory is epochal, for example, older people will like the old brand, and young people will choose the brand which is more popular now.

So now the brand promotion era, consumers have become the past and not the same, this change is the Internet has brought about changes in brand diversity, in the past we are familiar with the consumer mentality has changed, so our new brand promotion strategy should also change.

News for Monday 16 October, 2017

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